紧急通知:亚马逊取消top标识,vine voice测评,不需要后台报名

亚马逊 0 3257

亚马逊取消top标识,vine voice测评,不需要后台报名

亚马逊取消top标识,从10月18日开始后面的所有评价都不会再显示top标识,但是之前上的评价top标识还会存在,独剩vine voice。top测评权重还在,top测评以后可能会换个词叫impact测评(影响力),top不易掉评,权重高,转化率高等优势没变。

同时还有 vine voice测评,vine voice 测评人是官方信任的测评人,不需要后台报名,前台可以直接下单,更加安全,也更容易被普通卖家信任。



紧急通知:亚马逊取消top标识,vine voice测评,不需要后台报名 第1张


第一步搜集证据:找到 8 character External Deal ID和软件检测连秒截图


紧急通知:亚马逊取消top标识,vine voice测评,不需要后台报名 第2张


紧急通知:亚马逊取消top标识,vine voice测评,不需要后台报名 第3张


紧急通知:亚马逊取消top标识,vine voice测评,不需要后台报名 第4张


紧急通知:亚马逊取消top标识,vine voice测评,不需要后台报名 第5张

随便找的产品:https://www.Amazon.com/Mkeke-Military-Protection-Yellowing-Shockproof/dp/B0BB6KNCKT?ref=dlx_deals_gd_dcl_tlt_6_af2ac78f_dt_sl15_fd这个就是character External Deal ID

通过keepa 或者其他软件(seller motor等等)查看

紧急通知:亚马逊取消top标识,vine voice测评,不需要后台报名 第6张



1. case 渠道:

紧急通知:亚马逊取消top标识,vine voice测评,不需要后台报名 第7张

2. 写信给 jeff@amazon.com




We believe that Amazon attaches great importance to platform rules and fair competition for third-party sellers.

We are sure that the seller is exploiting the loopholes of the platform to achieve the purpose of participating in the 7-day lightning strike.

For the issues mentioned in the case

- 8 character External Deal ID:XXXXX

The following is the seller's information we were able to collect


2.Seller Name: XXXXXX

3.Product link: XXXXXX

We use Keepa to track the ASIN‘s Deal track and price changes.

The following is the time node for the seller to participate in the 7-day spike in a row

1. 2022-X-XX to 2022-X-XX The seller started the first 7-day deals, and the price was  adjusted from X to X

2.2022-X-XX to 2022-X-XX The seller started the first 7-day deals, and the price was  adjusted from X to X

3.2022-X-XX to 2022-X-XX The seller started the first 7-day deals, and the price was  adjusted from X to X

4. From 2022-X -X to 2022-X -X , the seller started the fourth 7-day deals, the deals price is X X

5.2022-5-09 so far, the seller has started the fifth 7-day deals, the deals price is X X

According to the platform promotion rules, the time interval for the same ASIN to participate in the 7-day promotion is 28 days.

Here is the link to the Deal rule.


紧急通知:亚马逊取消top标识,vine voice测评,不需要后台报名 第8张


The ASIN has participated in a total of 5 7-day deals in the 6 weeks from XXXX to the present. This behavior is a completely malicious competition by exploiting platform vulnerabilities, and flouting platform rules.

本文链接:https://www.awyerwu.com/4722.html ,转载需注明文章链接来源:https://www.awyerwu.com/

