
亚马逊 0 2920









Hello ChatGPT, I received a message from a buyer regarding their recent purchase. I want to make sure I provide a helpful and friendly response. Can you assist me in crafting a reply that addresses their concerns and provides a positive customer service experience? The buyer's message is [插入买家消息]. What I want to reply is [插入你的回答]. Thank you!

这里在最后加了这么一句话:What I want to reply is,是为了让ChatGPT更懂你的需求,以免你对结果不满意,需要重复生成。可以输入中文,简单口语化都行,比如你不想退款,最多返5美金,或者你想不好的主意,都可以告诉它,让它给你生成标准邮件。


Hello ChatGPT, I received a message from a buyer regarding their recent purchase. I want to make sure I provide a helpful and friendly response. Can you assist me in crafting a reply that addresses their concerns and provides a positive customer service experience? The buyer's message is [插入买家消息]. Thank you!

最后,在文末注明“Please write in xxx language”,则可以针对小语种的买家,生成对应语种的回答,不会出现语法错误,比翻译软件更靠谱。



(1)一体化模板(最常用:标题+五点+埋词 一体)


Write an Amazon title between 150-180 characters, and write 5 bullet points (each points between 250 – 350 characters) for an Amazon listing selling {{插入产品名称}}.

Title and bullet points must includes the following keywords: {{插入你想埋入的关键词,用逗号隔开}}

Each Bullet Point Format: [【Product Features】 Purchase reasons. Call to action.]

Content Guidance (Writing guide for modules in the format.):

1. Product Features: A summary of product features in no more than 5 words.

2. Purchase reasons: Combine product features with purchase reasons.

3. Call to action: A detailed explanation of product features and a call to action summary including brand & product keywords.

High-relevance words should be arranged in the purchase reasons section, while Medium-relevance core words should be placed reasonably in the call to action section.


When selecting bullet points, the main selling point of the product should be given priority. Certainly, if there are better entry points, feel free to use them.

The purchase reasons in the format and content guidance can include potential customer needs, product expectations, selling points, fears, building demand scenarIOS, customer benefit points, etc.

Try using techniques such as examples, numbers, or facts to elaborate on bullet points.

Use Arabic numerals instead of words for any numbers in bullet points.

Except for the brand to which the product belongs, do not include any other brand names or any infringing information in the bullet points.

Do not include any promotional information or contact details in the bullet points.

You can refer to the following Product Benefit: {{插入基础文案}}

(*PS:最后一句话,铺货卖家一般会有一个由Features + Specifications + Package Include构成的基础文案。如果没有,可以用中文简单写下产品实际功能,让AI生成得更准确。也可以去掉这句话)




同理,Search Term,要么不写,要么就写精准相关的关键词。添加不相关的词汇凑字数,反而影响亚马逊判断。



(2) 标题

只提供产品名称,一个150-200个字符的Amazon Listing标题,前74个字符内写高相关核心热词,前120个字符写高相关中等大词,其他关键词根据产品特点合理安排。指令如下:

Write a 150-200 characters Amazon Listing title for [插入产品名称], with high-relevance core words arranged within the first 74 characters and high-relevance medium words arranged within the first 120 characters. Other product keywords should be arranged reasonably based on the product's features.


The title should be easy to understand and ensure readability.

Try to avoid special characters in the title. lf necessary, use "," "_", and "&".

Every first letter of the title must be capitalized, except for conjunctions, articles, prepositions, and other special words.

Use Arabic numerals instead of words for any numbers in the title.

Do not include any other brand names or infringing information in the title, except for the brand of the product.

Do not include any promotional information in the title.

(3) 五点


Write 5 bullet points of 200-250 characters each for the Amazon listing selling {{插入产品名称}}, which should follow the following format and content guidance.

Bullet Points Format: 【Product Features】 Purchase reasons. Call to action.

Content Guidance (Writing guide for modules in the format.):

1. Product Features: A summary of product features in no more than 5 words.

2. Purchase reasons: Combine product features with purchase reasons.

3. Call to action: A detailed explanation of product features and a call to action summary including brand & product keywords.

High-relevance words should be arranged in the purchase reasons section, while Medium-relevance core words should be placed reasonably in the call to action section.


When selecting bullet points, the main selling point of the product should be given priority. Certainly, if there are better entry points, feel free to use them.

The purchase reasons in the format and content guidance can include potential customer needs, product expectations, selling points, fears, building demand scenarios, customer benefit points, etc.

Try using techniques such as examples, numbers, or facts to elaborate on bullet points.

Use Arabic numerals instead of words for any numbers in bullet points.

Except for the brand to which the product belongs, do not include any other brand names or any infringing information in the bullet points.

Do not include any promotional information or contact details in the bullet points.

(4) 描述




Write a 1500-2000 characters Amazon Listing product deSCRiption for {{插入产品名称}}.

The description should include all the mentioned keywords, with high-relevance core words placed as early in the product description as possible.

The content of the product description must follow the following structure: Brand Story + Product Story + Product Function Detailed Explanation +Specification lnformation and Usage lnstructions + Additional lnformation (Notes, Warning Information, etc.).


You can refer to the following Product Benefit: {{插入基础文案,或者产品的功能/卖点/优势等}}




如何利用ChatGPT提升亚马逊运营工作效率?(附英文prompt) 第1张



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